Reflect & Grow

Reflect & Grow

These wonderfully (and cleverly) crafted questions is designed to help you gain deeper insights into your patterns and behaviors. By taking a few moments to reflect on these prompts, you might discover new perspectives and greater self-awareness. Ready to explore? Let’s get started!

To what extent do you feel secure about your place in your couple, in your work, in your team or even in your life?

To what extent can you really use your talents?

Are you sufficiently seen and heard in your couple, in your team, in your work?

What percentage of you own potential (the potential that is present in your couple, your work, and in your life as the whole but not yet fully exploited) is currently being used?

If there is one feeling that you have been running away from all your life, what is that feeling?

What happens right before the deepest issue you want to heal arises?

What the feeling or this deepest keep you from being able to do? What does it force you to do?

If the feeling or this deepest issue were never to go away, what would be the worst thing that could happen to you?

Every moment spent in self-reflection is an investment in your well-being and growth. Cherish these insights and continue your path of discovery. Keep shining and exploring!