Three ways to end a relationship with a man

In my life, I have come across three ways to end relationships with men.

In the first version, a woman tries to quickly meet a new man and create a relationship with him. There is often a repetition of past scenarios. At the same time, the hope that everything will be different stays with the woman. Every time with a new man she tries in a new way, but something doesn’t work …

In the second case, the woman withdraws into herself from pain, disappointment, frustration of hopes and loss of not only faith in her feminine, but also in her masculine. She may even somehow force herself to look at men, but there is no space for them inside of her. There is no inner contact with him. Lost trust and pain leave no space for anything new. On the external wold, this can manifest itself in excessive demands on the partner, rigidity in the boundaries, in the phrases “All the goats … there are no suitable ones … etc.”

In the third case, the woman not only physically ends the relationship with the man, but also emotionally. She gets  in touch with her pain, guilt, or maybe shame. Here both “bad” experience and “good” one are assigned. The experience is different. And then she can turn into something new. She can take risks and get off the parking brake. These are actions.

Many my clients who want a new relationship, they start from the first or second option. Even not be aware of it. There is either a lot of fear or a lot of anger or despair.

Perhaps for some women, this is a good fuel to start, but then they definitely need to find other meanings, values ​​and inner state for movement. To let go of past connections and their  image in past relationships. Stop falling in love and create a relationship with a man from their projections.

Then we begin to move with inner peace, being in contact with our body. Then we can say: I have taken everything here and here is enough for me. I’m moving on to bigger things for me ..

Therefore, in sessions with my clients, we return to unfinished past relationships, so as not to bury ourselves there, but to allow the past to pass. And then there will be no need to return to this, to look back at it. You let past relationships go. It is important to relive the past … and go into your future. 

Do your past relationships bother you? How do you cope with it? 

If this is somehow about you , then we can first meet for 15-20 minutes for our acquaintance. After the meeting, we decide whether or not to work on your request.

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